Blunt-Backed Route 47 Missouri River Bridge Project Breaks Ground in Washington
WASHINGTON, D.C. — (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (Mo.) released the following statement marking today’s groundbreaking in Washington, Mo. for the new Route 47 Missouri River Bridge Project. Blunt was instrumental in securing resources for the project, which will create a safer, more efficient connection between Franklin and Warren Counties.
“Missouri is a hub for our nationwide transportation network, and the strength of our infrastructure is critical to ensuring the safety of Missouri families and expanding economic growth,” Blunt said. “I’m proud to see the new Route 47 Missouri River Bridge Project move forward, and will continue advocating for projects like these to keep the flow of goods and services moving and allow our state to remain competitive.”
In September 2014, Blunt announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Grant for the New Route 47 Missouri River Bridge Project. Blunt sent a letter to DOT advocating for the project in April of that year.
Blunt successfully included a provision in the FAST Act, which was signed into law last year, that protects the dedicated revenue stream for off-system bridges, a set-aside Blunt established in the 2012 highway bill, and makes more funding available for all bridges.