Almost 60 Need-Based Student Scholarships for University of Missouri System to be Offered Using...
Columbia, MO - April 13, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Aside from the $1.1M proceeds from the state lottery, the University of Missouri System will also put up an additional $1.1M to supplement the endowment of need-based scholarships for undergrads.
University of Missouri Alumni and Sports Legend Norris Stevenson Dies
Columbia, MO - March 14, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Sports fans all over the state mourned the death of Norris Stevenson, a football pioneer and alumni from the University of Missouri. His athletic career began at Vashon High as a prep athlete. In 1958, Stevenson made his mark in history when he became the city’s first student of African-American descent to win a football scholarship from the university. Other credits to his name include being a St. Louis Community College head coach for thirty years as well as a Hall of Famer for his outstanding career a coach in track and field.
University of Missouri Board of Curators’ Vote Ensures Accessible and Affordable Education
Columbia, MO - March 14, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The hold on tuition increase, which would be maintained at the present 3% inflation rate, will affect those of undergraduate and in-state students. The vote ensures that the University of Missouri is able to continuously provide students with accessible and affordable education. This move is, however, also expected to result into possible decrease in staff.
University of Missouri Declares Intent to Invest in Startup Ventures
Columbia, MO - March 8, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- According to University System Pres. Tim Wolfe, a pair of MU research teams had been recently selected to receive almost $1M in terms of capital. The pair’s choice had resulted from a rigorous review process of 16 research teams vying for a chance to receive additional investment from the Enterprise Investment Program or EIP of the university.
University of Missouri Phelps County Extension Now Accepting Class Applications for Volunteer Training with...
Columbia, MO - March 7, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- The University of Missouri Phelps County Extension started a volunteer training program with their Master Gardeners in 1997. Now in its 15th year, the program has opened again to accept applications for Spring 2012.
University of Missouri Chooses One of Country’s Best Engineering Teachers as Next Science and...
Columbia, MO - February 6, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Cheryl B. Schrader , whose qualifications include professional credits in Notre Dame, McDonnell-Douglas, University of Texas, Valparaiso University, Boise State, and Rice University, will take over as the new Science and Technology Chancellor for the University of Missouri on April 2012.
University of Missouri Slated to Receive a Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Replica
Columbia, MO - January 27, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Last October, President Barack Obama had successfully held the dedication of a Washington D.C. national memorial dedicated to the late Martin Luther King, Jr. This 2012, one of the dedication’s organizers – who also happens to be an alumnus of the university – is slated to gift his old alma mater with a replica of the said memorial.
University of Missouri Programs Offers its Students an Edge in Today’s Tough Job Market
Columbia, MO - January 3, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- In an economy with huge unemployment rates since the early years of 1980, finding jobs has been increasingly competitive. Now, University of Missouri programs provides its students the assistance and confidence to select careers in which they have the most potential. By selecting the right major, University of Missouri students can make sure they avoid extra expenses and additional school time in changing majors. Moreover, University of Missouri students will be stronger workers because they are able to find the profession that inspires them.
University of Missouri to Award Writer William Trogdon an Honorary Degree
Columbia, MO - December 2, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- University of Missouri officers will present writer William Trogdon for his outstanding work in the field of writing. Trogdon is known in the literary community as William Least Heat-Moon, also given an honorary degree in the Honors Commencement Ceremony in Fall 2011.
University of Missouri New Nursing Room Provides Safety Training Space for Students
Columbia, MO - November 25, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Nursing is 1 of the 7 professions reported to have the many on-the-job injuries, as stated by the U.S. Department of Labor. Strains and sprains due to over work accounts for most of the injuries. Those injuries are usually caused by improper handling, lifting & moving of patients. Now, University of Missouri nursing students have a new facility to guide them in developing their skills in keeping their patients and themselves safe.
University of Missouri Public Health Students Collaborates with Engineers to Take on Sanitation, Water...
Columbia, MO - November 11, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- To be able to adjust quickly to different situations and to take care of patients from different backgrounds with understanding and respect are essential skills for soon to be doctors, nurses, and every public health professionals. Now, University of Missouri’s Master of Public Health Program students will go abroad to be educated about public health issues outside of the country and offer beneficial research to the residents of the underprivileged areas.
University of Missouri Program Facilitates After-School Learning for Youths of Missouri
Columbia, MO - October 28, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- In the U.S., 72% of the youth have parents that work full time. Since many of the schools dismiss students several hours before the workday ends for the parents, most kids are left unsupervised or without care until the parents get home. University of Missouri Extension is develops a program to ensure that school-age kids in Missouri gain access to after high-quality programs after their school.
University of Missouri and K.S.R. Education Institutions of India Signs an Academic Agreement
Columbia, MO - October 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- University of Missouri administrators announced on October 10, 2011 a 5 year agreement with K.S.R. Educational Institutions of Indian that will provide training and advanced research in nanotechnology and nanomedicine.
University of Missouri Student, Alumni and Fans Celebrates 100 Years of Homecoming Tradition
Columbia, MO - October 12, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- University of Missouri alumni, students and the whole community will celebrate 100 years of Homecoming tradition, bonding the past with present in a significant celebration of school spirit, years of service and the community. This tradition began in the year 1911 when Chester Brewer, Athletic Director, made a request to the university’s alumni to “come home” for the yearly football game versus University of Kansas. 100 years after, University of Missouri Homecoming Event has become a trademark tradition for the community.
University of Missouri Extension Program Promotes Healthy Choice the Easy Choice
Columbia, MO - October 5, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Nowadays, Americans are facing obesity issues due to low physical ability and huge intake of unhealthy foods. According to the National Cancer Institute, the country does not have enough imports of vegetables and fruits to meet the daily requirements of every American. Now, University of Missouri Extension has been given a national grant to expand its 2 programs that promote physical activity and a healthy diet for Missourians.