JEFFERSON CITY, MO – December 16, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — State Treasurer Clint Zweifel, Chair of the Missouri Housing Development Commission, today announced the housing agency’s December 18 meeting would be webcast live for the first time ever. The meeting’s webcast will be a test for the agency as it looks for the best way to provide the service at all future meetings.
“As State Treasurer and as Chair of MHDC, time and again I see that government works best when its business is conducted in a transparent and accountable fashion,” Treasurer Zweifel said. “I asked MHDC staff to look into how we could make webcasting work, and this is our first test as we learn how we can provide this service at all meetings. This is a step in the right direction of continuing to make government more transparent and continuing to build the public trust.”
Within his own office, Treasurer Zweifel maintains an Open Government site that is constantly being updated and refined.
The MHDC webcast meetings will be available at, and Treasurer Zweifel said he encouraged feedback on the test.
The meeting will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, Truman Room, 415 West McCarty Street in Jefferson City beginning at 9 a.m. Meeting information may be downloaded at
Jon Galloway
(573) 751-7595 – Office
(573) 418-2923 – Cell